Orakel von Delphi
Abstammung:Inkagold x ArtisticBeschreibung:Inside vivid reddish orange (34B), throat similarly coloured; outside strong yellowish pink (34D); a large, deep purple (83A) brushmark across whole width of mid petal (with a deeper shade within the mark), with associated spotting below; nectaries large, white (155B); pollen strong reddish orange (169A), anthers on greyed orange filaments; stigma strong purplish red (61B) on a strong orange-yellow (163B) style. Fls 150mm wide; petals 70 x 40mm, not ruffled, not recurved. Lvs alternate, 90 x 10mm. Stems 0.9m, dark green, with 8-10 fls. Late June. (Standard: colour print provided by registrant (WSY 0028877).)Bezug:Salzborn: 2001;